ScanCAD International had the wonderful honor of hosting an intern from Italy. Alberto Albani, the son of Maurizio Albani, our Italy-based programmer, made the trek out to Colorado and joined us for much of the summer. This was a great opportunity for Alberto to understand the inner workings of ScanCAD! Not only was this a wonderful window into the behind-the-scenes operations of our company, but Alberto also had the opportunity to actively engage in a different cultural experience.
I’m an exchange student from Italy, the Paestum area. I’m a 16-year-old guy going into my senior year of high school specializing in science education. I like to do swimming during the year and also tennis; I’m also a filmmaker and an image-editing fan. I live near the beach (20 minutes by car) and during the summer, going to the beach is one of the best things to do. I’m still not sure what branch I’m going to choose at the University but I’m sure it’s engineering — the rest will be discovered over time.
In the Italian high school, you are forced to alternate school and work for a pre-arranged amount of hours and during the year, the school offers you activities that I consider more or less useless, so my parents and I decided to do this in a better way [that is, to participate in an internship with ScanCAD International].
[During my time here in Colorado], the kind of skills I’m improving are English skills and the ability to use the ScanCad Reverse Engineering software. I’m enjoying Colorado since I went here and I’ve been able to visit the dinosaur area as well as the Cherry Creek one [many of the surrounding areas], I’ve also been able to do some bike rides during the weekends, go to the [Denver] Art Museum and the [Cherry Creek] Art Festival and the whole experience has been amazing. I came here with prejudices and ideas of those who had already been there and I have to say that what I expected is not so very different from what I found. Although I have done so many things here at the ScanCAD, by far the most exciting has been designing icons for the website and the ScanCAD programs.