With 2020 being an extremely unusual year, businesses around the world have had to adapt to a swiftly moving global pandemic. Every sector has been significantly impacted by this global event and unfortunately, many businesses have had to permanently close doors. Thankfully, ScanCAD has found ways to intentionally adapt to the changing circumstances — we’ve shifted and evolved many of our processes and offerings to meet the very different requirements of today while continuing to fully support the needs of our customers.
One significant shift has taken place surrounding our training options. Due to COVID, on-site and Colorado Classroom training options have no longer been feasible, this year. Because of this, we’ve worked hard to put together PCB Re-Engineering (ScanFAB, PLACE and ConvertPLUS ARE) and INSPECTION products virtual training classes which are now available to all of our customers.
The Virtual Classroom is equivalent to a fixed duration classroom or on-site training, but it can be spread out over a longer time period and each student can proceed at their own pace, so more advanced students can progress through content quickly. There are actually many advantages to this type training since each student can proceed at their own pace and even repeat sections if necessary. One of the challenges in our standard classroom or on-site training class is working with students of different skill levels — typically the pace of the class is controlled by the students that need more time. This will not be an issue with virtual training.
This virtual class will ensure that all students have a sound foundation using their ScanCAD system. Since this is a standard training class, a ScanCAD system with the appropriate software as well as our standard sample boards, films, and/or stencils will be required for the training.
We use Google Classroom as our platform. Each student will need a Google account (free gmail accounts will work just fine). The classroom is structured by topic and each topic has material associated with it. Materials vary from live action/screen capture videos, PowerPoint presentations (with and without follow-along audio), PDF documents, etc. There are projects throughout the course assessing the student’s progress including quizzes and tasks for the students to perform such as calibrating, scanning, vectorizing, inspecting, etc.
We believe this Virtual Classroom Training can be a significant benefit to our customers during these pandemic times since this time can be used to improve productivity, train new employees, minimize cost while safely supporting the training needs of our customers worldwide.
If you have any questions or would like a formal quote, please let us know and we will be happy to assist you.